Reforming family law
A four-part exercise including a knowledge input and plenary discussion.
About the exercise
- Group exercise
- Time required : 3 h 10 minutes
- Target audience : Best suited to civil society organisations, human rights defenders, religious communities and legislators with an interest in legal reform. The exercise assumes both participants and the facilitator have a strong prior understanding of freedom of religion or belief (FORB), of gender equality, and of religious family/personal status laws. It also assumes that participants already recognise needs for legal reform in their context and have identified areas of reform they would wish to see.
Not suitable for introducing the topic of family law and gender to audiences who have not yet recognised such needs or oppose the idea of reform.
- To enable participants to explore different approaches to the reform of religious family/personal status laws.
- To enable participants to develop ideas for action and plan effective, contextualised strategies for work to reform religious family/personal status laws.
A four-part exercise including a knowledge input and plenary discussion; exploration of case studies in buzz groups; group work in which participants develop an action plan for the reform of a religious family/personal status law in their context; the presentation and discussion of action plans in plenary.
This exercise works well as a follow-up to ‘The problem tree‘ exercise, ‘What’s the problem?‘ and ‘FORB and family law’.
The handout ‘Reforming family law: Ideas for action planning’.
Source: Adapted from the FORB Learning Platform’s online course, ‘FORB and gender equality – enemies or allies?’