Freedom of religion or belief for all

Illustration: Circle with various religious symbols. Illustrator: Toby Newsome.Illustration: Circle with various religious symbols. Illustrator: Toby Newsome.

Why take the course?

The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief (known as FORB for short) is a fundamental human right that belongs to each human being. At its core it enables us to seek truth and meaning for our own lives.

Research shows that the right is frequently misunderstood and that it is seriously violated with devastating consequences. Respect for freedom of religion or belief is integral to democracy and important to achieve sustainable peace and development. Understanding what FORB is, why it matters and the social impact of FORB violations is important for everyone striving to build better societies.

This course will help you understand FORB better and provide you with tools to help you factor FORB into your work more effectively.


Picture of Filip Buff Pedersen. Project advisor.Picture of Filip Buff Pedersen. Project advisor.

The course has given us a simple tool to help our Danish member organisations and their 120 development partners across the world to learn about FORB.

Filip Buff Pedersen

Project advisor

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Freedom of religion or belief for all