Tools for context analysis
Here you can find a range of tools to help you and your organisation develop a FORB context analysis.
Context analysis is an essential basis for the development of any strategy to promote change – whether at the community level or for multi-stakeholder national level programmes. And for those working with areas such as women’s rights, development or sustainable peace, including FORB in your context analysis can contribute to making it successful. But how do we do a FORB context analysis?
Films presenting methods for context analysis
Watch the films to learn, or use them in trainings together with the exercises of the same name (see below).
The Triangle of Violence – a tool for context analysis
This short film presents a useful tool for freedom of religion or belief (FORB) context that’s a bit more in depth than the 3 phases approach. The triangle helps us to identify how physical violence, discriminatory structures in society and our ideas about ‘the other’ are interlinked. Inspired by the work of Professor Johan Galtung, a founder of peace and conflict studies.
Three phases of persecution – a tool for context analysis
This film presents an easy to use tool for analysing the state of freedom of religion or belief in your context.
Our favourite context analysis exercises
Instead of one person sitting at a desk and writing a context analysis, it is often useful to develop the contents for a context analysis through participatory exercises which help groups of people – community members or staff members – contribute with their differing perspectives and experiences. Here we present our favourite FORB context analysis exercises – for our full range please see the ‘Understanding FORB in context’ chapter of the FORB Facilitators toolkit.
A FORB map of our town
This exercise uses a flipchart ‘map’ of a town along with a set of characters to help participants map violations in their context.
Excercise Details for A FORB map of our town
- 1 h 45 min
- Plenary exercise
- Mapping exercise
Three phases of persecution
An exercise that combines groupwork and plenary discussion to help participants define violations of FORB in their context.
Excercise Details for Three phases of persecution
- 1 h 15 min
- Group exercise
- Analyse
The triangle of violence
An exercise exploring how physical violence, discriminatory structures in society and our ideas about ‘the other’ are interlinked.
Excercise Details for The triangle of violence
- 2 h
- Group exercise
- Watch and discuss
Research teams
Using research questions and reports on the state of FORB in the country, participants work in groups to investigate different dimensions of the right to freedom of religion or belief.
Excercise Details for Research teams
- 1 h 50 min
- Group exercise
- Analyse
Trapped in the spiderweb
Participants stand in a ring and throw a ball of wool or string to each other as they answer questions on the causes of early/forced marriage.
Excercise Details for Trapped in the spiderweb
- 50 min
- Plenary exercise
- Game
Questions to help you develop a FORB context analysis
If you need to prepare a FORB context analysis why not use these guiding questions to help you.