Tools for decision makers
For legislators, public officials and diplomats
States bear responsibility for ensuring that human rights are realised. Here you can find resources to help you in your role as a human rights duty bearer.
- Resources to help you understand the right and apply it in your context.
- Guidance and guidelines for specific legislative and policy areas
- Information about FORB networks for decision makers
Learn about FORB and how to promote it
International networks for decision makers
GOVERNMENTS: International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance
IRFBA is a network of around 37 like-minded countries committed to advancing FORB around the world. It brings together senior government representatives to discuss actions their nations can take together to promote respect for FORB and minority rights.
DIPLOMATS: International Contact Group
ICG brings together diplomats from nearly 30 countries and international organizations committed to protecting and promoting FORB. Participants promote FORB by initiating early warnings, coordinating joint advocacy and programming activities and fostering exchanges of best practices.
PARLIAMENTARIANS: The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief
IPPFORB is a global network of parliamentarians and legislators committed to combatting religious persecution and advancing FORB. The network enables joint action and provides learning opportunities and learning materials.
A network of parliamentarians and belief leaders from 4 countries in Africa (The Gambia and Sierra Leone) and South Asia (Bangladesh and Pakistan) who are dedicated to promoting freedom of religion or belief in their national and local communities.
Guidelines for diplomats
EU Guidelines for the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief
The Guidelines explain international human rights standards on FORB and give clear political lines to officials of EU institutions and EU Member States, to be used in contacts with third countries and with international and civil society organisations. They provide officials with practical guidance on how to seek to prevent violations of FORB.
Read moreGuidance on specific legislative/thematic areas
The Rabat Plan of Action on the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right, indispensable in democratic societies. However, this right is not an absolute right, and may be lawfully restricted according to certain principles and conditions. Under international human rights law, and specifically article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), certain kinds of speech may be prohibited by law. Incitement to hatred is such an example of unprotected speech. The United Nations Rabat Plan of Action on the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred provides a comprehensive set of factors for States to address this issue, drawing a clear line between freedom of expression and incitement to hatred and violence. Film published by UNESCO.
Guidelines for Review of Legislation Pertaining to Religion or Belief
Guidance for those involved in analysing laws and draft legislation pertaining to the freedom of religion or belief.