Here you can find a small collection of resources to help people engaged in legal work to defend and promote FORB.

Christian family/personal status laws in Palestine

Judge Scarlet Bishara, of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, shares a short description of legal and procedural problems concerning family law for Christian women in Palestine.

Muslim family/personal status laws in Malaysia

Suri Kempe, a human rights activist, presents a short comparative description of gender-based discrimination in religious personal law in Malaysia, illustrating differences between Malaysia and other Muslim majority contexts.

Workshop exercises focusing on personal status laws/legal systems

Reforming family law

A four-part exercise including a knowledge input and plenary discussion.

Excercise Details for Reforming family law

  • 3 h 10 min
  • Group exercise
  • Groupwork

The expert advisors

In this role-play exercise, the participants have just been promoted to the role of Technical Experts on FORB for all at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Excercise Details for The expert advisors

  • 1 h 40 min
  • Group exercise
  • Role-play/drama

FORB and family law

A plenary discussion exercise based on a case study, that is designed to follow a knowledge input on family/personal status laws and violations of FORB.

Excercise Details for FORB and family law

  • 60 min
  • Plenary exercise
  • Case study/scenario
Remember that human rights education can play a role in strengthening justice through providing human rights training for police, lawyers and judges! 

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Stories of people using legal approaches to defending and promoting FORB

Defending rights in Chhattisgarh, India

Legal aid for a victim of assault, Vietnam

Legal challenge to fines for worship, Russia